Author: webadmin
Follow-Up Email Examples For After the Interview
08 – 25 – 2020 by Indeed Editorial Team
Follow-up emails are a good way to maintain a positive presence after the interview. Learning when to send follow-up emails and what to include helps you send a good impression to hiring managers. In this article , we will explore some follow-up email tactics for after the interview, including examples.
Why write a follow-up email after an interview?
Thanking the people you communicate with during each part of the hiring process is a demonstration of your gratitude. It also suggests that you are...
Networking Recommendations
Top 5 Networking Skills and How to Develop Them
05 – 26 – 2022 by Indeed Editorial Team
Networking skills are useful in nearly every job. Networking helps you establish lasting relationships, stay current on the job market, and help others with professional or personal issues. By understanding the skills you need to build healthy relationships, you can develop them and expand your network. In this article, we define networking skills, provide examples, discuss how to develop networking skills, and explain ways to showcase them.
What are networking skills?
Networking skills are qualities...
Why You Are Not Getting a Job
Why You Are Not Getting a Job (And What To Do About It)
07 – 27 – 2021 by Indeed Editorial Team
While you may not receive a job offer after every interview, you can definitely utilize each one as a learning opportunity. Understanding why the company didn’t offer you a job might assist you in improving your job search efforts. As your interviewing skills improve, you may discover that you receive more work opportunities. In this article, we explain the reasons why you may not be getting hired and what to do about it.
Reasons why you’re not getting a job
Here are some common...
Resume Format in Canada
What Is the Standard Canadian Resume Format? (With 7 Tips)
07 – 27 – 2021 by Indeed Editorial Team
Resume styles, structures, and formats differ all around the world. When looking for your first job in Canada, you want employers to see your resume as professional and thorough. Understanding how to format your resume provides you with valuable job-seeking skills. In this article, we discuss what makes a Canadian resume format unique, the two standard resume structures, formatting principles, and seven tips to use when formatting your own resume.
What is the Canadian resume format?
Hire for Culture Fit
What Is Work Culture? Definition, Elements, and Examples
08 – 17 – 2021 by Indeed Editorial Team
When deciding where to apply for jobs, most people look for an atmosphere that affirms their goals and values through a healthy work culture. Every workplace has a unique environment that forms over time through the interactions of the people who work there. The workplace influences individuals and vice versa, so it’s important to seek a company where you see the potential for growth. In this article, we explain what a work culture is by providing an overview of the elements and...
Job Interview Questions
Job Interview Questions (With Example Answers)
06 – 24 – 2021 by Indeed Editorial Team
Employers follow different hiring processes, which typically start with a screening interview. These help an interviewer identify qualified candidates, and they often hold over the phone. Improve your chances of securing a second interview by knowing which screening interview questions to expect and planning your responses. In this article, we discuss the most common screening interview questions and provide example answers to guide you in crafting your own.
13 screening interview questions...
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